Free Download Aplikasi BBM-IB DEEP PURPLE APK: Hai sobat, kali ini saya share lagi BBM MOD terbaru, BBM-IB DEEP PURPLE APK by Leonardus Bayu. Cek dibawah ini untuk selengkapnya.
Features :
- Backup Sticker
- From Portal Beta 4 by Trangga Ken
- Move to SD Card
- Auto Rotation
- Change Font Style
- Hide/Show Full Display Picture
- Hide/Show Sponsors
- Enable Autoteks (Modified be Hide/Show Autotext on chat personal and group conversation - Set Hide/Show on Setting. to use it just click an emoticon icon on conversation)
- Reload BBM
- Post Image to Facebook
- Settings Shape Rounded DP (Sample apk by Dhian Rusdhiana)
- Shimmer Effect Layout (Sample apk by Dhian Rusdhiana)
- Dynamic Cover Profile (Sample apk by Dhian Rusdhiana on own & friends profile) - (tap the pic and change with your own pics grin emoticon )
- List Animation Style (except on chat conversation)
- Shake your phone to Clear RAM
- Private Mode (without password) - (tap on slide the DigitalClock to hide, touch again to show)
- and more,
- RIM (Based BBM Material
- Trangga Ken (Amazing PorTAL)
- Rikri Rikardo (assets & libs folder on BBM Mod Backup Free Sticker v2.9.0.49)
- Dhian Rusdhiana (sample apk [Dynamic Coverpic, Shape Rounded DP, Shimmer Effect])
- Ciben Doank (clues and sharing smile emoticon )
- Rahman Ramsi
- Yoyocx S Praditya Putra
- Anca Imut
- Jeremy Iskandar
- Sahrul Mubarok
- Teguh Ari Wibowo
- Darwandi
- Kesya Khairunnisa
- Bani Hasyim
- Gugum Gumilar
- Fahmy Fahrezy
- Azhar Rivaldi
- Iqbal Alamsyach
- Izzulhaq Mahardika
- Rog Ary XC
- Arz
- Mifta Hry
- Eko Budi Harto
- All Members
- Y O U
- (maaf bagi yang belum kesebut)
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